Pittsburgh’s Custom Hair Replacement Specialists
Proven Hair Loss Treatment Solutions For Men

Understanding Men’s Hair Loss – Pittsburgh, PA
Going as far back in history will take us, baldness has been a part of the aging process that men have dreaded the most. Before there was Rogaine, hair transplants and hair additions, men coped in various ways from magic ointments to the styling of their hair. Julius Caesar grew out his hair in the back of his head and combed it all forward. Napoleon did basically the same thing. We often disregard history and the ignore the fact that this has been an age old condition. We can’t accept or even imagine the fact that there is not a cure.
The most common cause of hair loss in men, is male pattern baldness, Androgenic Alopecia, representing almost 95% of all thinning hair in men. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited it as part of their genetic makeup.
Men’s Hair Loss FAQ
Understanding the cause of men’s hair loss may better indicate exactly why it presently has no cure.
The most common cause of hair loss in men, is male pattern baldness representing almost 95% of all hair loss in men. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited it as part of their genetic makeup.
Androgenetic Alopecia – the modem medical term for male pattern hair loss – can be broken down in two parts.
First, Androgenetic, consisting of ANDROGEN (Any of the various hormones that control the appearance and development of masculine characteristics such as testosterone). And GENETIC–the inheritance of genes from either the mother or the father’s side of the family. Add AGE, which when coupled with genetics, represents a time clock that will signal the hair follicle to produce an enzyme named 5 alpha reductase. When the testosterone present in the follicle combines with the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, it produces dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Second, ALOPECIA meaning hair loss, of which there are many types.
Put simply, scientists are working against aging, hormones and genetics. This is no easy task. Add the fact that male or female pattern hair loss is not life threatening, and it is easy to see why many physicians do not view hair loss as a priority in scientific research.
What is working for you in terms of research is that large pharmaceutical firms now know that a cure for hair loss could mean a fortune in revenue for their companies and stockholders.
Although we may not see a cure in our lifetime, it is possible. Science is closer to understanding hair loss due to many recent advancements. To say the cure is around the corner would only be speculation but hope certainly is alive.
Vairous Causes of Hair Loss in Men
- Alopecia Areata: Generally thought to be an autoimmune disorder. Causes “patchy” hair loss, often in small circular areas in different areas of the scalp. Alopecia Areata information.
- Alopecia Totalis: Total hair loss of the scalp, (an advanced form of alopecia areata.
- Alopecia Universalis: Hair loss of the entire body, (also an advanced form of alopecia areata).
- Traction Alopecia: Hair loss caused by physical stress and tension on the hair such as prolonged use of hair weaving, corn rows etc.
- Telogen Effiuvium: Hair loss Caused by Physical stress, emotional stress, thyroid abnormalities, medications and hormonal causes normally associated with females.
- Anagen Effiuvium: Generally due to internally administered medications, such as chemotherapy agents, that poison the growing hair follicle.
- Trichotillomania (TTM), or “trich”: as it is commonly known, is an impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, facial hair, nose hair, eyebrows or other body hair, often resulting in noticeable bald patches.
- Chemotherapy: One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy treatment is hair loss. Chemotherapy hair loss may occur on the scalp, face, underarms, and other places on the body.
For over 30 years, men have trusted Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh for proven hair loss solutions and the latest in proven hair restoration and hair replacement technology for every type of hair loss and hair type. We offer all proven hair restoration and hair loss treatment solutions that really work so you can restore your hair, your confidence, and your life. Find the hair loss solution that’s right for you. Schedule a free, private, no-obligation hair loss evaluation today and get all your hair loss questions answered.