Men’s Hair Loss Solutions – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Individually Customized Hair Restoration and Hair Loss Treatment Solutions for Men

Non-Surgical Custom Hair Replacement
At Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania, we are proud to offer HRI Custom Male Hair Loss Replacement System, a totally state-of-the-art non-surgical restoration solution for men. It is completely undetectable and totally natural, and represents the very latest in hair restoration technology.
A perfect marriage of science and nature, HRI Custom Hair Loss Replacement System is real hair that styles perfectly and convincingly resembles your own natural hair. It’s available in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area only at Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania where professionally trained stylists will work with you to give you that perfect, natural looking style and look you’ve always wanted (or wanted back).
Real Custom Hair Solutions
A full head of hair is evenly distributed across the entire scalp. There are no bumps or irregularities, as is often the case with other conventional replacement systems. Nor are there sparse areas, which often results from the incomplete coverage of transplants.
The all new feather-weight HRI Custom Replacement is the most natural-looking, easily maintained prosthesis available today! Through dedicated research and development, it offers a superior transparent foundation that contours naturally and perfectly with your own scalp.
The result is that your individually customized hair replacement restores your natural appearance as though the hair is growing naturally out of your scalp, with a totally naturally looking hairline, and a completely natural feel to the touch. And best of all, you can have the same total coverage of your scalp as you had before you started going bald. No one will ever know that it’s not your hair growing out of your own scalp.
Custom Men’s Hair Replacement
HRI Custom Replacement method is a choice that “splits the difference” between hair transplant surgery and conventional replacement methods.
HRI Custom Replacement for Men is the non-invasive hair graft procedure; surgery is not required to fulfill its replenishing properties.
The result is a demonstrable increase in cosmetically significant hair, unlike chemicals that produce insignificant velo hair – short, non-pigmented “peach fuzz.”
At Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the HRI Custom Hair Replacement procedure has been combined successfully with surgical hair loss restoration procedures and used to provide additional hair to those who’ve already had transplant surgery but desire an increase greater overall density to give them the look they desire.
The results of the HRI Custom Hair Replacement are guaranteed – there is no waiting period to see if it will actually work.
Who is HRI Custom Hair Replacement for?
The HRI Custom Hair Replacement System is for anyone interested in a solution that will result in a cosmetically significant increase in hair density.
Its capability is to replace hair in any area of the scalp, and recreate a natural frontal hairline, this makes it ideal for sufferers of male pattern baldness, and alopecia, as well as chemotherapy patients, and burn and scar victims as well.
Unlike surgical techniques, the HRI Custom System requires no “donor” area, nor is its success dependent upon the texture and curl pattern of donor hair.
With the HRI Custom Hair System, there’s nothing discernible between your new hair and your scalp. So you can see and feel your scalp, and run your fingers through your hair and feel nothing but natural hair and scalp. Our system is completely unique from other processes that the result is so astonishing and feels so natural.
We invite you to schedule your own complimentary and confidential hair loss consultation at Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to see if HRI Custom Hair Replacement System is right for you.
For over 30 years, men have trusted Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh for proven hair loss solutions and the latest in proven hair restoration and hair replacement technology for every type of hair loss and hair type. We offer all proven hair restoration and hair loss treatment solutions that really work so you can restore your hair, your confidence, and your life. Find the hair loss solution that’s right for you. Schedule a free, private, no-obligation hair loss evaluation today and get all your hair loss questions answered.