Laser Hair Loss Treatments
The Most Advanced Hair Loss Treatment

From Our Laser Hair Therapy Clients
“I just want to tell you how wonderful it is to have my hair filling out so nice and full, after all these years. I had to use the spray paint that was sold on TV which was also causing my hair to fall out even more. I haven’t felt this good about my look in several years. I have been taking these treatments for a little over two months, and can definitely see a difference.”
Laser Hair Therapy Testimonials
We sent our TV producer to try the revolutionary new hair loss treatment called laser hair therapy in February. His hair had been thinning for years and nothing he tried — everything from Rogaine to Propecia — seemed to work. A year later, Joe’s progress is impressive. You can see hair re-growth at every angle.
I have been a client for only 11 weeks and I am amazed at how much of my hair has already begun to grow back! This process is so easy, and so amazing, and it is completely painless! I have tried everything from pills and topical treatments to toupees, and THIS is the first thing that has really truly worked. Thank You!
I began treatment in March 2005. After only a few weeks noticeable changes began. My normally oily scalp became dry, the hair became stronger and styling was more effective. Hair loss has nearly stopped. By virtue of that effect hundreds of small new hairs are visible along my frontal hairline! Instead of falling out, they appear to be staying in my scalp. I’m very excited and am looking forward to continuing laser treatments. Thank you.
You asked me if I was happy with the results I am getting, look at me…. I am amazed. I heard your advertisement on the Radio… and it said… people up to 65 years old. My 66th birthday was fast approaching so I went to see what you had to offer. I had given up all hope of ever seeing myself with any kind of new growth, I would have been very happy to keep what I had… I have both now…keeping what I have… no hair in the drain after my daily shower, and no hair in my hair brush. And remarkably, there’s new growth. My hair has become so full after about four months of treatment. I would recommend this treatment to anyone.
For over 30 years, men & women have trusted Hair Restoration Institute of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh for proven hair loss solutions and the latest in proven hair restoration and hair replacement technology for every type of hair loss and hair type. We offer all proven hair restoration and hair loss treatment solutions that really work so you can restore your hair, your confidence, and your life. Find the hair loss solution that’s right for you. Schedule a free, private, no-obligation hair loss evaluation today and get all your hair loss questions answered.